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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sam Adams... not the beer... the white rapper... not Eminem... a different white rapper...

All jokes aside, Sam Adams a.k.a. "Boston's Boy" is on my list of "Why the hell isn't anyone else listening to this" music.  It is 100% popular music/radio friendly and it is actually good. If you like Mike Posner or Kid Cudi you will LOVE Sam Adams.  Kid Cudi slipped onto the scene with "Day & Night" thanks to Entourage and, with similar beats, catchy lyrics, and fun mixing all it takes is one ear with a big wallet and mass appeal to make Boston's Boy a hit. Check out my favorites "Driving Me Crazy" and "Coast to Coast" on iTunes or on YouTube.
*Don't forget to click the links!


Me in Tokyo taking a picture of the apartment building one of dearest friends lived in.
For the most part, anything that had to do with college I have let fall into the black hole of my memory. Greek life, late night chicken wings, crappy beer, and slightly post-pubescent boys simply did not tickle my fancy. That being said, one thing I do happen to remember fondly was my response to the college admissions short answer question (more like demand): Describe yourself in three words. Well, my way of sticking my middle finger up to conformity (i.e. the matriculation process) was by responding like this: I define myself as being completely and utterly undefined. I essentially argued that such a question was foolish and insulting. I tell you this because this is one of the few things I am still certain about regarding myself. I am undefined.  I am strong, weak, proud, dumb, intelligent, mature, childish, ashamed, outgoing, introverted... you name it and I have a contradiction for it.  I am undefined by characteristics and so I will not define this blog as anything other than a page where I can promote all aspects of my so-called "character." No, this will not be an online diary. Fashion, music, movies, television, architecture... art and the creative process are my passion. Art, like me and you, is undefined because it reflects the human condition, and so...  at the risk of being completely over-dramatic, I will promote humanity.